About Me

(Not being one to toot my own horn did not serve me well in band class…)

I consider myself more of a vagabond of the arts. I’ve got a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Arts & Animation, I serve as a Multi-Media Specialist by day, and a writer by night. I also played the trombone in middle school and learned some wood-working from my Grandpa. I am fascinated by the convergence of the divine and the mundane, the whimsical and the profound, the fancy-shmancy and the silly-willy.

I’m a husband and father of three children and we live in Northern Colorado. My incredible Wife plants trees, tends a garden, raises chickens, keeps bees, and I get to enjoy the fruit of her labor! My kids make me belly laugh and drive me nuts and inspire me beyond my worthiness daily.

My artistic influences range from G.K. Chesterton to Looney Tunes, from the Inklings to the Impressionists, from highbrow fancy stuff to slap-stick goof-ball absurdity. I love a good comic strip and I love staring at a painting in a museum for 45 minutes straight. Classical music can get my arms waving like a conductor, contemplative folk music gets me nodding with my eyes closed, and I will sing along to “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey basically every time it’s on.

Throughout it all, I’ve come to the conviction that you can find the Golden Thread running SOMEWHERE in ANY of it – passing by our bungled noble intentions and clumsy baser impulses, crowded and covered by design or inattention, but perceptible if we seek to follow it. I believe God has been writing His Story through our stories since the beginning, and He’s not done yet.